Learn about RUA

Learn about RUA

RUA is a journal from the Laboratório de Estudos Urbanos do Nudecri/Unicamp, and it collects articles, artistic productions and reviews of works that deal with city practices from the symbolic and the political dimensions in a relationship between urban knowledge and language.

Its main purpose is to ponder over the urban space conceived as a space of meaning, providing a dialogue between different areas of knowledge.

The access to RUA Journal content is free and immediate, following the principle that making scientific knowledge public and available allows it to circulate widely, producing significant and relevant social effects.



To create conditions for a multi and interdisciplinary debate, supported by reflection on language, disseminating academic articles and artistic productions that take the urban space as an object of study.



RUA was created in 1995 when the Laboratório de Estudos Urbanos completed its third year. Printed annually, with the graphic project and cover by João Batista da Costa Aguiar, the journal has had the purpose of collecting scientific and artistic works that deal with city-specific practices. To do so, RUA journal comprises three sections: Studies section, Arts section, and Reviews and News section dedicated to works of interest from different areas that reflect on urban space as a political and symbolic space.

In 2008, when the 14th issue of the printed journal would be published, its Editorial Council approved its full migration to electronic format and its biannual periodicity. Thus, volumes I and II of issue 14 of RUA inaugurate the of 14th year of this journal in the digital format and original paper in foreign languages.


Editorial Politics:

RUA gathers articles, artistic productions, and reviews about social practices and sense production in political and urban spaces. In this editorial line, contributions are strongly encouraged on: the constitution and circulation of meanings in the urban space; urban knowledge and language; the production and dissemination of knowledge about the city; the management of urban spaces; issues related to the media, journalism, the internet and scientific and cultural dissemination; the practices of memory, culture and art; urban language, writing and digital; social and political movements; and artistic productions: literature, visual arts, music, theater, cinema and graphic arts. The journal accepts contributions in three categories: academic articles, artistic production, and book reviews.


How to publish:

RUA receives articles, artistic productions, and reviews that will be, after pre-evaluation by the editors of the journal, reviewed and approved by ad hoc advisors. The rules for publication must be strictly followed. Articles are received in a continuous flow and submissions should be made by e-mail to publabe@unicamp.br


Peer review process:

All submitted papers will be forwarded, in a blind evaluation system (without reference to authorship), for evaluation by referees who are members of the Editorial Committee or ad hoc referees. Each submission is evaluated by two referees based on the analysis model proposed by the journal. In the case of divergent evaluations, there will be a third reviewer. Copies of the reviews will be sent to the authors, together with instructions for modifications, where appropriate. Papers that do not meet the journal’s standards will be returned to the authors. The modified article will be subject to the same submission process as the original and, if necessary, authors may be asked to revise the work up two times.


Postal address:

LABEURB - LABORATÓRIO DE ESTUDOS URBANOS UNICAMP/ COCEN/ NUDECRI MAILBOX 6166 Campinas/SP - Brazil ZIP Code 13083-892 Phone/Fax: (+55 19) 3521-7900

Principal contact: Prof. Dr. Eni Puccinelli Orlandi LABEURB/NUDECRI - UNICAMP E-mail: publabe@unicamp.br